Pupil Voice
Head Boy & Head Girl Statements:
We are the Head Girl and Head Boy at Rufford and our job is to set an example for the other year groups. We greet visitors and are representatives for the school. We are looking into starting a weekly blog about what other year groups are learning to put on our Facebook page.
Project Gambia
Gambia Day
Vote 100
Some of our School Council had the great opportunity to take part in the 'Vote 100' where they took part in film making and dressed up in some fantastic costumes. They learnt lots about the Suffragettes and what they did for women.
Reverse Advent
We will be doing our 'Reverse Advent again this year, where each day in December, children are invited to bring in an item of food for the food bank. This will be collected and taken to our local food bank ready for Christmas.
See our 'News' page for an update on this.
Before October Half Term, we were so lucky to have such a great response to the 'Christmas shoe boxes' from lots of parents and children. Here are some pictures of the many boxes before they were shipped off to Gambia read for Christmas. We hope the children love their gifts
Some of our Globetrotters are off to Avon Croft Museum where they will be doing many activities, including 'Brick Making' - this is linked to a new project we are helping with for Project Gambia. Watch this space!
School Council take donations to the Food bank
Three of our School Council went to the Food Bank depot in Brierley Hill to deliver your kind donations. They heard about how people who struggle to feed their families can be helped.