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School Life

School Meals
Cooked meals
Cooked school meals are available every day, and are free to all Reception, Y1 and Y2 children. All meals are cooked on the premises and are provided by Shire Catering. This is a new catering provider for 2023. We are really thrilled with the quality and service Shire provide. Children can chose from a selection of items, including fish, vegetarian and halal options. The cost is now set at £2.50 per day. Dinners should be ordered and paid for through the School Money App. Dinners need to be ordered by midnight the day before.
Water is freely available to drink with their meal. Key Stage 2 pupils whose parents are in receipt of Income Support or Job seekers' Allowance (Income Based) are entitled to free school meals.
Please contact the school if you think you may be eligible for free school meals, or for more information about how to order or pay for lunches.
Here are the latest menus:
Packed Lunches
Children in KS2 may bring a packed lunch any day of the week.
It is essential that the following rules apply to minimise problems to children staying at school and bringing a packed lunch:
Sandwiches must be brought into school in a NAMED lunchbox and put into the designated lunch box holder
Children must bring leak-proof containers for drinks - no glass containers or fizzy drinks
Healthy School
At Rufford, we strive to be a Healthy School, so we encourage parents to provide healthy lunches and tuck. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 have free fruit every day.
Children also have the opportunity to drink water throughout the day.