School Uniform
Here is information about our school uniform:
General uniform items
• Grey trousers / grey skirt / grey pinafore
• Gold polo shirt / shirt with optional school tie
• Navy blue jumper (branded option available) / Navy blue cardigan
• Plain black, grey, navy or white socks / plain black, navy or grey tights
• Black shoes / ankle boots / trainer style shoes
PE Kit items
• White T-shirt
• Black shorts or leggings
• Black pumps
• A pump bag clearly marked with child’s name
Optional uniform items
• Plain navy shaped scarf
• Grey shorts / blue or yellow stripe or check dress may be worn in summer
• Rufford branded fleece jacket
Optional PE Kit items
• Black or navy jogging bottoms and black or navy sweatshirt (or blue school jumper) may be worn over PE kit in the cold weather
Where to purchase
At Rufford, we do not required branded uniform items however, if you would like to purchase
branded sweatshirts, fleeces, book bags and school ties then they are available to purchase from Crested Schoolwear in Stourbridge. You can visit them at the address below:
27 Rye Market Shopping Centre
01384 918220
Or click on the link here:
Rufford Primary School – Crested School Wear
All non-branded items of main uniform and PE kit can also be brought more widely from high-street retailers and supermarkets as long as they are in keeping with our expectations.
Pre-owned uniform
We are proud to be able to offer a pre-owned uniform service at Rufford to help parents and carers with the cost of uniform, whilst at the same time reducing waste. In order to be able to provide this service, any donations of outgrown uniform items in good condition are very much appreciated. Donations should be laundered and name labels removed please.
Parents requiring pre-owned uniform or wishing to donate uniform should contact school reception. Arrangements will then be made to collect or drop off.
Additional support
Where there are difficulties with parents/carers being able to purchase school uniform, please contact school reception, who will be able to discuss pre-owned options that are available. If this is not a suitable option, on an individual basis there may be the option for the school to purchase certain uniform items.
Further information
If you need any further information on our uniform expectations please contact Mrs Bolton or Ms Laight who can answer questions about the policy and respond to any request