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Water Bottles
At Rufford Primary School, we make sure we take action to improve children's health. We do this in different ways including our PE curriculum and active after-school clubs such as Dance, Forest School and Cricket. We also make sure our children have activities and games to play at lunchtimes. Having enough to drink is a key factor to improving the performance and behaviour of children at school. Water is the best fluid to have. It has none of the health problems associated with drinks containing sugar, additives, sweeteners, acids or caffeine. Whilst we understand that juice and squash often taste nicer, we know that the constant drinking of these fluids throughout the day is one of the biggest causes of plaque and tooth decay. By promoting drinking water, we want to promote healthier choices and improve the health of pupils. These things not only help children be healthier now but also as they grow up. Each child in our school is provided with their own water bottle so they can stay hydrated. Here are our school water bottles: