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Starting Reception FAQs

What is a home visit? Why do I have to have one?

A home visit is when a member of school staff comes to your home to see your child before they start at Rufford. This is so that they can get to know your child and to fill in some forms with you. Not all children have a home visit before starting Reception. If your child is in our Nursery, you will have had a home visit before they started Nursery.

What does my child need to be able to do before they start school?

It is best for your child if they can go to the toilet and wash their hands by themselves; take off and put on their clothes and shoes; and use a knife and fork. It’s also best if they only have a dummy at bedtime or not at all (but we know that’s hard!).

Is there an induction meeting for parents before my child starts?

Yes, this takes place during the summer term. At this meeting, which lasts about an hour, you will be given lots of information about the school day as well as routines and expectations.

Will my child have any induction days in the summer term before they start?

During school transition week, children due to start in Reception will be invited in for short sessions to get used to the setting. They will then have a staggared start in the September.

Do they start full time from day one?

No, they start with mornings only, then this is built up to mornings and lunchtime, then after a week they will be in full time.

Where do I take my child on their first day?

Children come onto the playground through the big gates with the other children. The reception classroom is at the far end of the playground – you will see the teacher standing by the door.

What time does school start and finish?

Doors open at 8.40am and children must be in class at 8.50am. The playground gates close at 9.00am. School ends at 3.15pm.

What happens if my child makes no friends?

Staff closely monitor children when they start and will be able to create opportunities for your child to interact, play and learn alongside other children. Some children take a bit longer than others to form friendships, staff will talk to you if they have any concerns.

What if my child has special needs? Who do I contact and when?

If your child has additional needs and already attends our Nursery, there will be a hand over of information within school. If they attend a different nursery, staff there will usually contact the school, but you can talk about this at the home visit. If your child hasn’t attended a nursery and you have concerns, again talk about this at the home visit. We have a specialist in school who oversees children with additional needs, Mrs Jones, and if any concerns arise after starting here, Mrs Jones and the class teacher will work with you to address those needs.

How do we know what the uniform is and where do we get it from?

The uniform will be explained in the induction pack and at the induction meeting, or you can look at our website. You can buy all the items from supermarkets, or you can choose to get your child a jumper with a school logo on. Bookbags with the school logo are also available from school, but are not compulsory.

Will my child do PE and do they need a PE kit?

In Reception, children do PE once a week in the hall and they need a PE kit, which is black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps or trainers. They can wear black joggers or leggings if they like. They also spend time each day learning outside and may also do Forest School activities in a wooded area so we advise you to send in wellies and waterproofs to stay at school.

What if my child has a medical condition like asthma?

You will put the details on the form when you register with the school. If your child has asthma you must send an inhaler into school and make sure your child knows how to use it. If your child has a serious medical condition, you may need to work with the School Nurse or Health Visitor to draw up a Care Plan. Any incidental medication, like anti-biotics or Calpol, can be administered by school staff if you fill in a form at the office.

What happens if my child is ill at school?

We will always phone a parent or carer. It’s helpful if we have more than one emergency contact number, so if the first person can’t answer we are able to get through. Your child will be supervised by an adult and receive First Aid if necessary. If we can’t get hold of anyone off the emergency contact list, and your child needed urgent medical attention we would call an ambulance and a known adult would accompany them to hospital if necessary. That member of staff would stay with them until a parent or carer arrived.


What do we do about dinners?

All children in Reception can have a free school dinner every day. These are booked through an app. Some children are entitled to free school meals through Pupil Premium if their parent/s receive certain benefits. It is important to register for Pupil Premium free school meals, even if your child gets a free dinner anyway as the school gets extra money for each child who is registered. Ask at the office for more information.

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